Lab News

November 2022

-Dave Gives a Seminar in the Dept. of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics at the University of Iowa

-Matt Rook Successfully Defends his Ph.D. Thesis! -Congrats, Matt!!!

October 2022

-Big Congratulations to Dr. Kyle Berger For a First Place 'Outstanding Poster' Award at Our Recent Pharm/Phys Department Poster Session. Congrats, Kyle!!!

August 2022

-The Lab Attends the iGluR Retreat at Stony Brook University

July 2022

Tyler Couch Successfully Defends His Ph.D. Thesis! —Congrats, Dr. Couch!!

-Rutamhara Purohit, Tyler McCullock, and Julianna Wagner Join the Lab! — Welcome Rutu, Tyler, and Julianna!!

May 2022

-Dave Gives a Talk at the IUPAB Ion Channel Biophysics Meeting in Ottawa

January 2022

-Lauren Bainbridge Joins the Lab! — Welcome, Lauren!!